Your fantasy BBW, here to make you hard. If you love a big BBW woman with boobs to match, sit right down and enjoy the show. I love to show of my body, every chance I get. I love it when guys send me fan mail especially when you tell me how sexy you think I am..

I have always suffered from low self esteem and would always hide my body until my ex-partner decided to upload some sexy photos to a BBW site and I started to see the reaction from loads of guys. I find this a massive boost and quite a turn on to be honest. The thought of you guys drooling over my fat body really bets by blood pumping. I'd never have thought I would be showing off my body to strangers on the internet but its such a boost for my mental health.
1. How big is Your chest? I Wear a 44G Bra.
2. How much do you Weigh? Currently Around 320.
3. What is your highest weight? 380.
4. Do you want to gain more? No, for my health I want to loose some…don’t worry though I never want to become skinny’.
5 How did you get started with wanting to do this? My now Ex-husband submitted a photo of mine to a site call ‘BBW to know them is to love them’ Along with my e-mail. The fan letters became an Esteem boost, something I didn’t have a lot of before him. Well we then decided to take a few every few months for the fun of it to post. I then got involved with Southern Charms. Oddly the moment I had a chance to make money my husband had objections to it ao I had to try to take my photos myself. Trust me not an easy thing to do with the camera I had then. I have been away from it for a few years. With some help & better cameras I am trying my hand at it again.
6. Are you in a relationship now & if not what do you look for in a guy? I don't really have a type. I've tried multiple dating sites and apps. Traditional dating sites like eharmony as well as BBW dating sites like Bigger Lover, with varying success. I've dated larger guys and skinny guys. Obviously, any guys I date must be into big women because I'm happy with my weight and not looking to change that for any man!
7. Do you ever plan on doing photos with other people? Never say never, but I don’t see it in the near Future. I need to be real comfortable with someone before I will work nude in front of them.
8. You ever meet with fans/members? Only if it is a controlled setting with someone with me for my protection. This does not fit everyone, but sadly some people seem to think that just cause they pay to see my nude on line means they own me off-line if we ever met in real time.
9. Will you take custom photos? With in reason & if it can be done off a tripod mount. I am always open to suggestions, but my money & lack of space/location makes some of them hard to pull off.
10. Do you except gifts? What girl wouldn’t want gifts? I just ask it is be ‘toys’ they be new & for clothing I would prefer maybe a gift certificate or cash along with what you may like as I can be a hard girl to fit at times & would just hate if you wasted your gift on something I couldn’t use. I would also except cash earmarked for trips, even if it is a local hotel room to give me some privacy to work for a night or two.
11. I notice you are Barefoot in a lot of your photos, is there a reason why? Yes, two really. First I don’t own many dress shoes cause I am a 10ww (yes big feet for a woman) & second because of knee problems I can not walk or stand in heels for long.
12. Do you have a Photographer, if not can I apply for the job? On rare occasions I do have a friend that helps me, but most of the time I just set the camera on a tripod & either use a remote or rig it to work time lapse. As for being my photographer, sorry once again I would need someone I am comfortable with & have known for a while.